Monday, 10 November 2008

Because of error 513, no message was created in Support Desk System

The reason could be many.
1) Did client copy was performed using 001?
2) Did we read SAP Note 864195, 614311, 975693?
3) The users used in RFC SM_CLNT100_BACK is present in Solman and proper authorizations are maintained. In my case, SAP_SOL_SERVTRANS_CREATE, SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_ADMIN did not work. Had to assign SAP_ALL, SAP_NEW.
Search for Service desk in SDN blogs to gert a list of great blogs for configuring Service Desk. Eg:
Remember to start with a client copy of 001 after solman installation.

All Systems not displayed in MOP

Under maintenance optimizer, when all systems are not displayed inspite of maintaining RFC connections and solution landscape has also been defined with system roles, apply SAP Note 1247550
This should resolve the problem.